The first efforts at estimating the Gross Domestic Product of Bhutan with sectoral break down
was undertaken by the Planning Commission in 1981 for the year 1980/81. These estimate are
presented in table 6. The estimated GDP amounts to Nu. 1020.5 millions and with a mid year
population of 1.165 million, the per capita GDP comes to Nu. 876. This would indicate that Bhutan
has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. With the estimated distribution of t
population between rural and urban sectors it would seem that about 15% of the population account
for roughly one third of the GDP generated in the modern sector and the balance of 85' of the
population account for two thirds of the GDP, a distribution pattern better than in man least
developed countries. This, however, is a rough estimate. Despite the low per capita income
nutritional levels in Bhutan are comparatively high, indicative of the self sufficiency of the rural