„It seems like
this resurrection mystique, feasible.”
Immortal Tong Tian, both eyes shine, when experiences with own eyes, and after feeling that strength by oneself, he had also realized this resurrection mystique is far from an empty talk, but has him to use.
After just, enough on the 1st past, cannot see a soul body, successfully condensation.
And, such as Immortal Tong Tian their these formidable Immortal Jie Ling, cannot feel, the emergence of any remnant soul.
Such result, makes people somewhat regrettable unavoidably, the increasing number of people, start to think this resurrection mystique, invalid.
After enough two day time, sat Chu Guyu in formation has opened the eye.
At this moment discovered that if Chu Zhen Chu Yue they, had already opened the eye.
They are not only opening the eye, and on the face is all hanging the disappointed and sad facial expression.
„Was defeated?”
At this moment, did not need other people saying that Chu Guyu also understand, this resurrection mystique was effective, but their this time as if was also defeated.
Hears Chu Guyu such remarks, many people on the scene, although is not willing to acknowledge that may actually also be slight bow.
When confirmed the defeat, in Chu Guyu eyes, was emerges sadly extremely.
Although from the beginning, they have not been having the too big expectation, may have the expectation after all.
Therefore, although already knows that may be defeated, may be defeated seriously time, feels unavoidably sad.
„Younger brother.” Suddenly, Chu Guyu the vision stagnates.
He discovered that all people have opened the eye, but Chu Feng does not have, Chu Feng not only closes one's eyes, his body also unceasingly sends out the strength of Formation, integrates in that formation.
When heard Chu Guyu shouting, Chu Feng has opened the eye, he smiles lightly, said: „Tries again.”
The words, Chu Feng once again has then closed the eye , to continue to stimulate to movement this resurrection mystique.
Sees that Chu Guyu and others, has closed the eye.
Then, Chu Guyu and others has insisted for day, two days, three days
When enough seventh day, still did not have any improvement, almost all people despaired, they thought that the Chu family person feared is impossible by resurrection.
However, Chu Feng is still actually insisting, whoever urged is useless.
„Younger brother, I know that you think very much resurrection father and grandfather they, we are.”
„But, we must clearly recognize the reality, do not insist again, this way, your body can step.”
Chu Guyu stands before the body of Chu Feng is urging, this moment all people encircle in the Chu Feng surroundings.
„I know that tries again, tries again for day, if not good, I then give up.” Chu Feng opens the eye, saying of smiling.
His smiling face, looks like is very relaxed, is his complexion at this moment, is actually somewhat ugly.
Enough seven day seven nights, continuous stimulation of movement this formation, Chu Feng consumes enormously, the body somewhat could not endure.
After all this Formation, unusual formation, but Chu Feng is also special going all out, even if his Spirit Formation technique is very strong, but this way, feared that is also not good.
Even but if this, he is still showing off power, the natural people not only feel sad and loves dearly.
„Chu Feng, you, if insisted that we agreed that is only the time, feared that was without enough time.” At this moment, Huangfu Haoyue said.
„Senior felt relieved that I can also support.” Chu Feng said.
„Does not refer to your body.” Huangfu Haoyue said.
„What is that?” Chu Feng asked.
„Is Heavenly Road, do not enter Heavenly Road?” Huangfu Haoyue said.
Hears this words, Chu Feng pupil to shrink immediately, afterward asked: „Will the time that Heavenly Road opens draw near?”
„Yes, you , to go, perhaps must leave.” Huangfu Haoyue said.
At this moment, Chu Feng looks at the present resurrection mystique, in the heart is quite complex, actually he is not does not know that he was defeated, but he does not want easily to give up.
But now, he as if has to give up, because before Chu Feng enters beyond the heavens, is must see his father.
However, the Chu Feng father to the communication symbol of blind eye old man, the blind eye old man has used, now does not have the means to relate to the Chu Feng father.
To see his father, the only means that enter from Heavenly Road, then goes to restricted area of Chu family in situated in Heavenly Road.
But Heavenly Road, only opens every year one time, if has missed this time, Chu Feng must wait again for one year.
„Senior, please temporarily go to the Azure Dragon School rest, after Heavenly Road comes back, I also want again to try one time this resurrection mystique.” Chu Feng said to the people people.
„Doesn't Chu Feng, need us to accompany really?” Immortal Tong Tian asked.
Chu Feng shook the head, looks that four holy beast said: „Their four accompany me to be able.”
After the decision, the