We propose an II display, which can enhance the depth of II
by producing two CDPs, based on a plano-convex micro-lens array
P. Wang et al. / Optik 126 (2015) 5744–5747 5747
and a flat-panel array. The proposed II display consists of a display panel, a plano-convex micro-lens array, a flat-panel array and
an optical barrier array. To verify the theoretical results, we simulate the reconstruction results of two line-shaped original objects
in ASAP software. The results of the simulation experiments show
that the proposed II display can create two CDPs, the depth of the
proposed II display can reach 4.9–7.05 times to that of the conventional II display in the simulation experiments. And the distance
between the two CDPs can be changed by adjusting the thickness
and the refractive index of the flat-panel array, so the theoretical
results are proved. The proposed II display has a simpler structure
and is easier to fabricate