-----Original Message-----
Subject: Why you may not be able to list your item
Sent: 2015-06-16 18:44:29.0
Subject: Why you may not be able to list your item
Enter your question / concern Before we could make any updates on your account we would just need additional information from you. Kindly answer questions below: 1.Do you have another eBay account? Is this your first time selling with us? -I have 1 account-this is the first time that I am selling on ebay. 2.What types of items are you looking to sell on eBay? Are they new or used? -I'm going to sell SOAP and vitamin supplements. 3.How many items do you intend to list on the site? -new products 4.Where do you get the products that you plan to sell? - yes 5.What is the average price for the items you’re selling? - the average price of us 0.99-50 6.How quickly do you ship your items after you’ve received payment? - delivery 1-2 days 7.What shipping service do you plan to use? Are you going to use tracking or delivery confirmation? - Standard Shipping from outside US -delivery confirmation 8.Are you using PayPal to receive payments? If no, what method do you plan to use? use PayPal for payment 9.If you are a registered business, please fill out the following: - 10.What is the name of your business? - 11.How long have you been in business? - 12.Do you have a website? - No website. 13.Do you sell on any other website, including your own? - Selling on ebay only web 14.If yes, how much experience do you have with selling on the internet? -yes 15.How many employees do you have working on the account? - I alone 16.Do you dedicate stock to eBay? Or are you listing items that are also publicly available? - dedicate to eBay and sell their products openly 17.If yes, how do you intend to manage the stock you list on the site? - yes
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