Private financing agents include households with out of pocket costs, private
insurers, and non-profit organizations serving households, with households accounting
for 91.4% of all private expenditures (WHO 2007). The largest expenditures are in the
form of out-of-pocket spending, most of which (72.7%) goes for drugs, tests, and
doctor’s visits, according to the national living standards survey (ENCOVI-LSMS)
(Gragnolati 2003). In 2000, households in rural areas allocated 1.8% of total
consumption to out-of-pocket health consumption, while urban households allocated
3.0% (Gragnolati 2003). As can be noted by the table below, between 2000 and 2006,
Private financing agents include households with out of pocket costs, privateinsurers, and non-profit organizations serving households, with households accountingfor 91.4% of all private expenditures (WHO 2007). The largest expenditures are in theform of out-of-pocket spending, most of which (72.7%) goes for drugs, tests, anddoctor’s visits, according to the national living standards survey (ENCOVI-LSMS)(Gragnolati 2003). In 2000, households in rural areas allocated 1.8% of totalconsumption to out-of-pocket health consumption, while urban households allocated3.0% (Gragnolati 2003). As can be noted by the table below, between 2000 and 2006,
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