2.3.3 Document Referencing
The Contractor shall adopt a comprehensive document referencing system to aid document retrieval. This numbering system shall be included in the contract co-ordination procedures.
The Contractor shall submit comprehensive and separate drawing and document schedules showing all proposed drawings and documents.
2.3.4 O&M Document (By Other)
The operation and maintenance manuals shall describe in detail all relevant operational and maintenance procedures required to maintain safe and optimum performance throughout the design life of each item of equipment supplied. The maintenance procedures shall include detailed descriptions of the replacement of all spares and replacement parts which are recommended to be replaced during the design life of the equipment supplied.
The operations and maintenance manuals shall include instructions in sufficient detail to enable the Owner or its operators to start up, shut down, test, and fully operate the Plant, and inspect, maintain, adjust, dismantle, repair and re-assemble all parts of the Plant equipment with the minimum of interference to its commercial operation in accordance with good industry practices.
The manuals shall be in English and shall as a minimum include the following:
• description of plant (general, mechanical and electrical);
• equipment specifications and descriptions;
• manual for monitoring system;
• description of operation of plant, including emergency procedures;
• performance criteria;
• limitations to on-site procedures;
• technical data;
• calibration procedures for sensors;
• list of major equipment with manufacturer’s names and contact details, equipment type, identification number and settings explained;
• contractor’s as built drawings;
• manufacturer's as-built drawings and diagrams for all units and parts specific to the Plant;
• maintenance instructions including routine procedures (including material schedules and specifications);
• a complete schedule of all recommended maintenance procedures and their associated frequency;
• tolerances of fit and torque settings for bolted connections;
• test report forms including all test report forms containing the final settings on all equipment with variable settings ; and
• list of special tools.
The O&M manual shall be provided two hard copies and one electronic copy for review to the Owner one month prior to TOC date (unless otherwise agreed with the Owner). The final O&M manuals updated to take account of any Owner’s comments shall be issued one month (unless otherwise agreed with the Owner) prior to the Plant Taking Over date. The Contractor shall provide four copies of the approved O&M documents in English of which at least one copy shall be laminated in clear plastic to be suitable for site use. In addition, the Contractor shall provide the O&M documents in electronic format (read only).
The resources and methods used to operate the works shall be those described in the operation and maintenance manuals prepared by the Contractor. If it is found to be necessary to vary the resources and/or methods in order to achieve satisfactory operation of the completed works the Contractor shall amend the operation and maintenance manuals accordingly.
2.3.5 Training Manuals
At the commencement of the training each The Owner’s trainee shall be provided with a comprehensive bound Training Manual covering in detail the contents of the operating and maintenance training given. Four hard copies and an electronic copy shall be issued to the Owner before taking over.
2.4 Progress Reporting
Throughout the complete provision of the Scope of Works, a monthly progress report shall be submitted to the Owner detailing the progress to date compared to the originally accepted programmes. Any delays identified in this report shall be supported with both an explanation of the reason for the delay and a statement on how it is intended that this delay shall be overcome to ensure that delivery shall remain in accordance with the original agreed delivery date. All items of the monthly report shall be presented in both machine-readable electronic and hard copy paper format. The monthly report shall contain:
• covering letter and executive summary (to include variance to programme and costs);
• explanations for late activities and problem areas, which are having, or are likely to have, impact on the project schedule;
• lessons learnt and explanation how further delays are going to be mitigated;
• outstanding interface data and measures proposed to expedite the issue of critical interface data;
• status report on milestones achieved and, in detail, the percentage completion of each incomplete milestone;
• schedule of subcontractors on site and anticipated prior to the next progress report;
• purchasing schedule and status report for significant items of equipment;
• correspondence schedule, listing all communications between Contractor and Owner, showing outstanding actions;
• updated com