For the design of the storage system further assumptions are made. The concentrated solar power (CSP) plant is
designed for superheated steam with a temperature of 550 °C, representing a temperature that current DSG-system
developments are aiming at. This steam is used to charge the storage. The pressure of the used steam in the charging
process depends on the melting temperature of the chosen PCM and the assumed temperature difference during
condensation and evaporation. For all the discussed storage systems in this paper, the melting temperature of sodium
nitrate with 306 °C appears suitable. Considering a temperature difference of 10 K in the PCM-part correspond to condensing parameters of 316 °C and 107 bar and evaporation parameters of 296 °C and 81 bar. For the heat
exchangers of the sensible molten salt part, a temperature difference of 7 K is assumed. In table 2 the main system
parameters of the designed storage concepts are shown.