As you walk in the hot desert land, you stop and take a big gulp from the waterbottle.
You look around and only see dried up lava across the landscape riddled by caves.
You can only wonder what it had looked like when the volcano erupted.
Plants growing on the land that has been covered by lava shows it's an old flow.
Trees small to tall, young to old bare testaments the harsh life in the desert.
The animals are equipped to survive in the desert environment.
While you walk, you look up and only see the harsh reality of the desert.
You keep walking and see the lava clashing with the cliffside.
You can only imagine what the Native Americans living in the lands thought when this land was covered by lava. Their stories of the land is carved or painted into the cliffs near their homes.
As you keep walking, your imagination has been drained out of you by The Land Called Lava Beds