Description: Thoughts of beautiful things that happened in the past.
Upright Six of Cups talks of innocence. Notice the two children present in the tarot card. At face value they might imply to you that your present time in the relationship is full of happiness. Unfortunately, this is not the case! Actually, Six of Cups is the only tarot card that does not have any link to present situation. It deals more with thoughts. Perhaps, the honeymoon period in your relationship is over and you are just looking back in time when you and your lover were sharing great happiness together. It is also possible that nothing has changed in your relationship, but you or your lover spend time thinking about how you two fell in love or met with each other. Overall, the main keyword for Six of Cups is the positive past. So it emphasizes, “Those days were so beautiful”.
Many tarot cards believe that the appearance of Six of Cups signals that your past lover would come back in your life to start over everything. But from my readings and inquirer’s results, I have come to the conclusion that this is never the case. Yes, he might come back, but it will be only for a few days and the reason behind this will be the memories he made with you. That is, he will be moved by them and thus he will contact you to know how you have been doing, but he will not offer you any relationship. In some cases, he might actually hope to start over with you, but the circumstances will be such that you are the one who will reject him. In short, you two will not have any romantic future with each h other.