Vidavsky, F., and Czosnek, H. 1998. Tomato breeding lines resistant and
tolerant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus issued from Lycopersicon hirsutum.
Phytopathology 88:910-914.
Two tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-resistant plants from accessions
LA1777 and LA386 of the wild tomato species Lycopersicon
hirsutum have been crossed. The resulting resistant F1 plants were crossed
with the domesticated tomato L. esculentum, and a series of selfing was
performed. At each generation, individuals were selected for resistance
(no symptoms and undetectable viral DNA) and tolerance (no symptoms
but with detectable viral DNA) following controlled massive and repeated
inoculations with viruliferous whiteflies. A stable BC1F4 line (denomi