Phase diagrams provide fundamental information for applications
such as solidification, crystal growth, joining, solid-state reaction,
casting, phase transformations and oxidations. Experimental
measurement of phase diagrams is a long and expensive task that
becomes more complicated for multi-component systems. Calculation
of phase diagrams reduces the time and effort required to
identify equilibrium conditions for binary and multi-component
systems. The correlation between thermodynamics and phase
equilibria was established by J.W. Gibbs [1]. Later, Kaufman and
Bernstein [2] founded the CALPHAD method which is based on
the minimization of the Gibbs free energy. The CALPHAD method
is based on mathematically formulated models for Gibbs energies
of individual phases. The model parameters are obtained from
thermodynamic data of individual phases and phase equilibrium
data [3]. Therefore, for systems with no or few experimental phase
equilibrium data and/or thermodynamic properties, the CALPHAD
method cannot be successfully applied. For this reason, it is of great
importance to be able to use a valid method for predicting the thermodynamic
properties and phase diagrams for systems lacking
experimental data. Since the Gibbs free energy is thermodynamically
formulated as DG = DH TDS, phase diagram prediction