Ross. Tonight, I didn't go anywhere Count down. I HATE THE HANG OUT OR NIGHTLIFE AND I NEVER HAVE THINK WANT IT. except, Loy Kra Thong Day, Temple fairs, Christmas(some years). But normal I will go with Mom or Dad only(In night), the daytime I will stay at house, Do housework, read law book, play PC, watch movie. And Tips, We're will go to During the Festival Srong Kan Day and New year Day, Srong Kan day, Will access measure(Do Merit) because I don't like very persons and I fear, Strangers take liberties with me. I select go to measure more than And I don't play Flour water. And Count down, I think it don't Necessary for me, And The Love. I'm very Serious and sincere and honest of love. (((I DON'T PERSON RIDICULOUS. As like FOR EXAMPLE, Love person easy. Like person easy. See Men's handsome or good more that go to love or like him. The Break up, when Meet person the handsome or good more that lover. The buck. Break feeling of lover. Do very bad etc. AND FOR SURE I DON'T HURT LOVER OF ME ))) AND FOR I THINK LOVER PRESENT VERY IMPORTANT FOR ME. Even if have person like me. I will say always "I HAS SWEETHEART or LOVER". IS YOU ROSS. All in I say really. NOT Lie.