Recognize the basic fact that God prepared ONE WIFE for Adam. This is the Bible pattern, and God does not change (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8). This is why Saul was punished for polygamy and David was also punished, but forgiven upon repentance. We saw that the sin of polygamy overtook Solomon, and in time God also punished him by taking the kingdom from his son, Rehoboam, just as He had rent the kingdom away from Saul’s house and given it to David’s house (forever).
Numerous Old Testament prophets were inspired to reference marriage as a monogamous union, one that was described as a symbol of the union between God and the people of Israel. These passages, and there are many, often describe an idolatrous ancient Israel who continually fell into committing what is described as adultery and whoredom with idols, with other gods in place of the true God.