The methods used for estimation of polyphenols were selected
based on their simplicity, reproducibility and integration of nonhazardous
reagents. Our results show that FPP contained relatively
low equivalents of gallic acid and catechin. Identification and
quantification of the secondary metabolites present in fresh C. papaya
has been focus of many studies. GC–MS data of Canini et al.
(2007) revealed the presence of caffeic acid (0.25 mg/g fresh
weight (FW)), protocatechuic acid (0.11 mg/g FW), p-coumaric
(0.33 mg/g FW), and trace amounts of kaempferol and quercetin
(0.04 mg/g FW) in its leaves; while its fruit pulp contained cysteine
endopeptidase, glutaminyl cyclase and linalool (Azarkan
et al., 2006). Luximon-Ramma et al. (2005) reported moderate total
phenol levels in methanolic extracts of papaya pulp (variety: exotica)
(576 ± 41 lg gallic acid/g FW; 376 ± 15 lg quercetin/g FW;