his study aimed to Causal Relationship Model of Success in Using Technology for Administrative Work in the
Hotel Business .The sample group was consisted of 380
employees in the central region of the hotel staff. Tool used
Questionnaire. Researchers analyzed data using structural
equation model analysis techniques (Structural equation
Modeling: SEM) the results showed that the Model of Success
in Using Technology for Administrative Work in the Hotel
Business the largest amount of factors influencing Leadership
organization was perceived value with total influence of 0.68
followed by Information technology systems, KM with total
influence of 0.40, and Teamworkwith total influence of
0.10. Model was consistent withacceptably empirical data
29.67, df=34, P=0.68) and Index of Consistency (GFI=
0.99, AGFI=0.96, CFI=1.00, NFI=1.00 and RMSEA =00.0087).
The results concluded that the leadership organization.
Most important to success in using technology to manage
the business. Therefore, pay attention to the management
of the organization.