When the particular activity becomes the most
important activity in people’s lives and dominates their
thinking (preoccupations and cognitive distortions),
feelings (cravings) and behavior (deterioration of
2. Mood modification:
A consequence (such as an arousing “buzz” or “high”
or a feeling of escape) of engaging in the particular
activity; can be seen as a coping strategy.
3. Tolerance:
Increasing amounts of the particular activity are
required to achieve satisfaction. 4. Withdrawal
Unpleasant feeling states (such as moodiness or
irritability) and/or physical effects (such as “the
5. Conflict:
Interpersonal conflicts between addicts and those
around them or intrapsychic conflict within the addicted
individual (between the psychological need to engage in
the activity and the desire not to give in to the tensions
caused by addiction to the activity).
6. Relapse:
The tendency to revert to earlier patterns of the
particular activity after a period of abstinence or control
over the addictive behavior.