Bob: Jamal, here is the Monthly Membership Report. I'd like you to review it and then create two profiles. One profile will describe our members who use low bandwidth. The other profile will be for our members who use high bandwidth. I'm interested in any differences or unique characteristics you can uncover.
Bob removes the cover page, hands the rest of the report to Jamal, and hands the cover page to Alice.
Bob: Alice, I want you to focus on these three values. Start by locating their source. Then obtain data for low and high bandwidth members for the past twelve months and prepare a graph comparing the two. Start by talking with Dennis. He is the southwest marketing manager and his team developed the Monthly Membership Report.
“Focus on these values.”
Bob: Jamal, before you start your profiles, please introduce Alice to Dennis. On the way to his office, give Alice a rundown on our corporate structure. Okay, guys, get to work! Before 4:00 today, I want you to present your findings to Carol!
Alice and Jamal head toward Dennis's office.
Jamal: This is a hectic way to start your first day, but it should give you an overall view of the company.