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Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
Canada Condemns Thai Military Coup
May 22, 2014 - Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement concerning the Royal Thai Army’s seizure of power:
“Canada condemns the decision today by the Royal Thai Army to seize control from Thailand’s elected government, to suspend the Thai constitution and to restrict civil liberties. This decision violates Thailand’s democratic principles and stands in stark contrast to the Army’s earlier assurances that its role would be limited to securing public order.
“Canada has called in the Thai ambassador to express our concerns. We hope and expect the Thai military will return Thailand to civilian rule as soon as possible, respect democratic processes and the rule of law, ensure freedom of expression and assembly, and guarantee due process for those who have been detained.
“Canadians travelling to or residing in Thailand are encouraged to consult our travel advice for Thailand regularly for updated information and to register with the Registration of Canadians abroad service to receive the latest updates from the Canadian embassy.”
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Date Modified:2014-05-22