The oil spill to water sources entails a change to the physical, chemical, and biological. Oil floating on the surface to react with oxygen. Make the oxygen in the water decreases and the censorship of the plankton light synthetic plants, algae, and plants are state changes of bacterial digestion in which all changes to an effect on aquatic organisms that live in the area (fish, animals in front of clay birds, corals, etc.) An accumulation of toxins in the food chain, from the manufacturer (plant plankton), consumers (plankton, animals/fish) until the final consumers that is human beings.
Oil slick also affect the tourism industry. Fishing and cultivation of Li Yong coastline, such as aquatic animals die from lack of oxygen. The beach oil dirty hot very flat oil destroy landscapes, smell. Indirect impact on the economy in the local community and national. The severity of the impact of the oil spill. Depend on a variety of factors including the type of oil leakage quantity geography of area was leaked, currents, wind up - down of the sea.