When FVGAL staff are away from their duty station on official duty, i.e. outside Bangkok, our hotels bills will be paid by FVG and we will be given a fixed daily allowance to cover out of pocket expenses of being away from our duty station and ‘home’. This rate will vary across countries and cities.
When FVGAL is having working meals with potential clients reimbursement for these meals can be claimed against official receipts.
We cannot however claim meals within Bangkok for FVGAL staff alone, for example lunch after a weekly staff meeting, as we are at our duty station and would therefore have to eat anyway. As Anna says “Lunches should not be claimed for if they would have been incurred anyway and are taken at a Benchmark office or in the locality.”
There is an exception to the above i.e. “if (means are) required to be taken en route to somewhere and you are required to incur costs for subsistence over and above normal expenditure.”
Another exception which Nattawadee proposed and I think we can agree ourselves would be a “special staff day” like a birthday.