In my christmas holidays I'm actually don't have no planning to travel another country just stay at home. It was quite boring to be at home all the time the most of people think that but I don't think so I think it's warm and comfortable. At home I have so many things to do exempel : sleep,watch movies,read a book,cook,clean the house and help my mom to build and decorate christmas tree plastic But, the most I do is watch movies and read a book. Before school will be closed I invite my best friend to go to cinema and watch Hobbit 3 together on Monday 22 December. The reason that I invite my friends to the cinema because it's close to my birthday. I don't wanna have a party at my home it because of my mom I don't want her to feel tired when she set everything for my party I don't want to keep it that way. Therefore I invite my friends to the cinema but it's quite close to Christmas day some one of them can't come Later, I think we cancel that plan it's not so fun if we go together just a few people. The next is my birthday there was not surprised every gift that I got from mom and dad, I know in advance because they ask me what I want. Whatever it was so special and It's the second best gift in the world Inferior to my mom give me a life. I'am very happy and so proud of all gifts that I got from parent it's really precious to me. One of the gift that I got is a telescope I really exciting for this when I open the box and assembly of the telescope I really like that gift can't wait to test this!!!. On Christmas day at 18:34 PM my mom knocked on the door and come inside she said : Tonight we gonna test the telescope change all wear warm clothes outside is very cold~ Sudden, that I hear I can't stop smilling Oh! my god I can't believe it!. We drive a car to the forest because it must be the place which no light to see the moon cearly and this time I'm waiting it arrived when the car ran into a parked in the square and mirk. I'm go outside the car and set the telescope on the ground we spent a lot of time to find and focus the moon. Outside was -13 °C we can't stay outside for a long times Finally, see us the moon clealy WoW! it so wonderful so beautiful so fantastic I can't find a word to explain this you have to see it with your eyes. My long christmas holidays is passed very quickly But, I very happy to be with the family during that time.