cindy : I'm so nervous ! A guy I met at work asked me to go on a date with him. He's really nice,but I don't know what to do on a date ! I think I would rather not go at all !
Emma : Don't be silly. Just imagine you're going out with a friend. What would you like to do ? You like going out for dinner. What about that ?
Cindy : I know , but I think I'd perfer not to go out to dinner. What if we don't have anything to talk about ? I wouldn't like to be in that situation.
Emma : Well , going to the movies is alway a good option.
Cindy : Yeah,but I don't like going to the movie on a first date. You can't get to know the person. I think I'd like to go dancing. That way, we can talk,but we don't have to talk all the time.
Emma : Yeah,I agree. I think I would rather go dancing than go to a movie.