Tariffs on key products will be eliminated at various stages between 2010 and 2020. Examples of exports on which tariffs will be eliminated by 2010 are whole milk powder, butter and cheese in Indonesia; and casein, milk powder, cheese and butter milk in the Philippines. These products face tariffs of up to 5 percent. Examples of products with later elimination dates include unsweetened skim milk powder in Indonesia; casein, butter milk, and butter oil in Viet Nam; liquid milk, butter and some cheese in the Philippines. New Zealand's current duty free access to Malaysia for milk powder, liquid cream, whey and casein is now locked in and protected meaning that Malaysia cannot now legally raise those tariffs. Malaysia's tariffs in butter and cheese will be eliminated once the agreement enters into force and those on ice cream will be eliminated in 2010. Unlike with other FTA New Zealand has concluded, no special safeguards apply for dairy.