The IAF-stained gel (Fig. 4, left panel) showed a tailing smear of
the MHC band from meat emulsions added 100 ppm green tea. This
indicates the presence of modified forms ofMHC,whichwas investigated
further by assessing the lane profiles of both the IAF-stained
(thiol groups) and Sypro Ruby-stained (proteins) gels (Fig. 5). Clearly,
staining by IAF showed a “tailing”-effect of the MHC from meat
emulsions added 100 or 500 ppm green tea extract, indicating a lower
mobility of theMHC band, which may be explained by a slight increase
inmolecularweight (Fig. 5, upper panel). As the IAF is thiol specific, the
modified MHC from the meat emulsions added 100 or 500 ppm green
tea extract still contained “free” thiol groups. In contrast, the MHC
from themeat emulsion added 1500 ppm green tea extract was almost
invisible by the IAF staining, although Sypro Ruby staining demonstrated
its presence (Fig. 5, lower panel). A compilation of modified MHC
with increased molecular weight was found for especially meat
emulsions added 1500 ppm green tea extract indicating that MHC
have been modified by phenolic compounds through TQ-adduct