Who were the Anglo-Saxons?
The Angle, Saxon, and Jute are known as the Anglo-Saxons. The Angles and the Saxon tribes were the largest of the three attacking tribes and so we often know them as Anglo-Saxons. They shared the same language but were each ruled by different strong warriors.
The Anglo-Saxons were warrior-farmers and came from north-western Europe. They began to invade Britain while the Romans were still in control.
The Anglo-Saxons were tall, fair-haired men, armed with swords and spears and round shields.
They loved fighting and were very fierce.
Their skills included hunting, farming, textile (cloth) production and leather working.
How do we know about skills and occupations of the Anglo-Saxons ?
We know about the Anglo-Saxons because of things we have found giving us quite detailed information about their lives. Anglo-Saxons were often buried with their possessions. The objects we have found in graves have provided us with evidence of the different jobs done by men and women and the skills they had.
Knives and spears are often found in Anglo-Saxon men's graves. This suggests they were involved in hunting, fighting and farming. Women's graves often include tools used for sewing and weaving, which suggests they were involved in making clothes (textile production).
What did the Anglo-Saxons do for entertainment (leisure)?
The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed horse racing, hunting, feasting and music-making. They played dice and board games such as draughts and chess. Entertainment during feasts included listening to a harp being played and juggling balls and knives.
Children played with balls, hoops and whipping tops (spinning tops). They also played with carved wooden toys such as horses and small wooden boats.