Alumina/glass composite is an attractive high-performance material due to fine properties, including low thermal conductiv-ity, abrasion resistance, biocompatibility and aesthetic quality, asstated by Zhang et al. (2009). However, Zhu et al. (2005) stated.that introduction of such a material into applications remainedchallenging due to difficulties forming Al2O3green parts withintricate shapes. Al2O3green parts have traditionally been formedthrough uniaxial pressing in molds, which restrained the flexibilityin attainable shapes due to technical difficulties and cost concernsassociate with mold fabrication. Importantly, 3DP, a solid free-formprocess, can break these limitations in fabrication flexibility andintricacy for alumina/glass composites. For any 3DP fabrications,adhesive application is a particularly important consideration.Sachs et al. (1993) mixed inorganic adhesive into the liquid tobond the building powder. Considering printhead reliability issuesdue to highly viscous inorganic adhesives, researchers graduallyreplaced these inorganic adhesives with water-soluble, organicadhesives to form a diluted liquid. For example, Moon et al.(2002) applied liquid containing furfuryl resin to 3DP and Feenstra(2005) stated that polyvinyl was commonly used as an in-liquid3DP adhesive. Nevertheless, precipitates of the in-liquid organicadhesive can still lead to printhead clogging.