Christmas Party speech
I want to thank you all for coming to our annual local 1599 Christmas Party.
I especially want to thank my executive and social committee, without them this party would not have taken place. Thank you.
It truly is a honour to be your local president.
This year has hand some challenges.
To see so many members here it warms my heart.
We all work so hard, so tonight is for you to celebrate.
2016 I’m sure will bring more challenges.
Just know I am here for you.
Most of you know how to get ahold of me, those that don’t I’m sure you know somebody that does.
As a reminder we do work a 24/7 days a week job. Please try and make time for you.
I want to wish you a holiday season of joy and cheer as you celebrate with family, friends and loved ones.
All the best from me, cupe Manitoba and cupe national. All the best, health love and happiness in the up coming year.
If I can ask everyone to stand. Now look around at everyone standing.
This is what solidarity looks like. When you all do something together as one.
Please enjoy the rest of your night.
Remember it’s not about what’s under your tree but about who you spend time with this holiday season.
Thank you.