2.17 The technical evaluation shall take into account the criteria indicated in paragraph 2.18 and the sub-criteria indicated in paragraphs 2.19 and 2.20 as reflected in the RFP. The RFP shall describe each such criterion and sub-criterion along with their relative maximum scores and disclose the overall minimum technical score below which a proposal will be rejected as nonresponsive. The indicative range for the overall minimum technical score is 70 to 85 (seventy to eighty-five) on a scale of 1 to 100 (one to one hundred). The maximum score for each criterion and the minimum overall technical score shall be determined based on the nature and complexity of the specific assignment.
2.18 The criteria shall include: (a) the consultant’s relevant experience for the assignment, (b) the quality of the methodology proposed, (c) the qualifications of the key experts proposed, (d) the transfer of knowledge, if required in the TOR, and (e) the extent of the participation of nationals among key experts in the performance of the assignment. They shall be within the indicative range of scores specified below, except with the no objection of the Bank. The maximum score for the “Participation by national experts” as indicated below shall not exceed 10 (ten).