The CIEH records his/her decision
Verify Host Setup Anchor Screen
The system launches the Decision form for the CIEH.
For completed cases, the CIEH will inform the AO that the Host setup is complete and we are ready for funds disbursement:
The CIEH enters his/her remarks
The CIEH clicks on the “Inform AO” button.
For cases requiring further work the CIEH can:
Click the “Return” button to return the task to the CIEO for rework
Click the “Return to Assign Task” if the task is to be reassigned to another CIEO.
For this exercise we will click on the “Inform AO” button to inform the AO that the setup is complete and ready for funds disbursement.
Continued on next page.
Note: For cases that should be returned to the Contract Team the CIEH can “Return to Assign Task” first. Then from the Assign Task the CIEH can “Return to Contracts Team”.