Entering the top 1000 in one year’s time was considered exceptional. And it would attract the attention of various large factions in the country, then what about me? How far would I go in a year?
Yi Yun was looking forward to it. Thinking it through, he had come from the vast wilderness. Be it cultivation techniques or resources, he could not be compared to the youths from the royal family or the super family clans. Although he had led two lives, with high perceptivity and a heaven-defying Purple Crystal’s help, his contact with martial arts was short. To be able to enter the top 10,000 among the Tai Ah Divine Kingdom’s young heroes was already pretty good.
“Alright, there’s no point saying all this nonsense. Now, you have to begin cultivating! See those stone doors?” The bald man pointed to somewhere nearby. There were six huge stone doors erected in front of them. The stone doors were engraved with primordial desolate beasts and look ancient and mysterious.
The bald man said, “The six stone doors in front of you is the heart of the Wilderness Divine Hall! The Wilderness Divine Hall is a cultivation place. As rookies, all of you will get two hours of free cultivation time. Now, you can all enter! As for which door, choose freely! Each door only lets in 18 people!”
“Oh? ‘Free’ cultivation time?” Yi Yun paused, it seemed like entering this place in the future would require payment with dragon scale runes.
At this moment, the bald man stood by the side with his hands crossed across his chest. Beside him was a large hourglass. The bald man had just flipped the hourglass and the sand quietly flowed down. When it finished, two hours would have passed.
The young heroes present all came to the Tai Ah Divine City for their first time. They did not know that many rules, but they could tell that the time in the Wilderness Divine Hall was extremely valuable. Naturally, it was not something to be wasted.