The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannins and saponins in Samanea saman on rumen fermentation,
milk yield and milk composition in lactating dairy cows. Four multiparous early-lactating dairy cows
(Holstein-Friesian cross-bred, 75%) with an initial body weight (BW) of 405 40 kg and 36 8 day in milk
were randomly assigned to receive dietary treatments according to a 4 9 4 Latin square design. The four dietary
treatments were unsupplemented (control), supplemented with rain tree pod (S. saman) meal (RPM) at 60 g/kg,
supplemented with palm oil (PO) at 20 g/kg, and supplemented with RPM at 60 g/kg and PO at 20 g/kg (RPO),
of total dry matter (DM) intake. Cows were fed with concentrate diets at a ratio of concentrate to milk yield of
1:2, and chopped 30 g/kg of urea-treated rice straw was fed ad libitum. The RPM contained condensed tannins
and crude saponins at 88 and 141 g/kg of DM respectively. It was found that supplementation with RPM and/or
PO to dairy cows diets did not show negative effect on ruminal pH, blood urea nitrogen and milk urea nitrogen
concentration (p > 0.05). However, supplementation with RPM resulted in lower ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N)
concentration (p < 0.05). In addition, propionic acid and milk production increased while acetic acid, acetic to
propionic ratio, methane production, methanogens and protozoal population decreased with RPM and/or PO
supplementation. Furthermore, addition of PO and RPO in the diets increased milk fat while supplementation of
RPM resulted in greater milk protein and Fibrobacter succinogenes numbers (p < 0.05). The population of Ruminococcus
flavefaciens and Ruminococcus albus were not affected by any treatments. The findings on the present study
showed that supplementation with RPM and RPO to diets of cows improved the rumen environment and
increased milk yield, content of milk protein and milk fat.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannins and saponins in Samanea saman on rumen fermentation,milk yield and milk composition in lactating dairy cows. Four multiparous early-lactating dairy cows(Holstein-Friesian cross-bred, 75%) with an initial body weight (BW) of 405 40 kg and 36 8 day in milkwere randomly assigned to receive dietary treatments according to a 4 9 4 Latin square design. The four dietarytreatments were unsupplemented (control), supplemented with rain tree pod (S. saman) meal (RPM) at 60 g/kg,supplemented with palm oil (PO) at 20 g/kg, and supplemented with RPM at 60 g/kg and PO at 20 g/kg (RPO),of total dry matter (DM) intake. Cows were fed with concentrate diets at a ratio of concentrate to milk yield of1:2, and chopped 30 g/kg of urea-treated rice straw was fed ad libitum. The RPM contained condensed tanninsand crude saponins at 88 and 141 g/kg of DM respectively. It was found that supplementation with RPM and/orPO to dairy cows diets did not show negative effect on ruminal pH, blood urea nitrogen and milk urea nitrogenconcentration (p > 0.05). However, supplementation with RPM resulted in lower ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N)concentration (p < 0.05). In addition, propionic acid and milk production increased while acetic acid, acetic topropionic ratio, methane production, methanogens and protozoal population decreased with RPM and/or POsupplementation. Furthermore, addition of PO and RPO in the diets increased milk fat while supplementation ofRPM resulted in greater milk protein and Fibrobacter succinogenes numbers (p < 0.05). The population of Ruminococcusflavefaciens and Ruminococcus albus were not affected by any treatments. The findings on the present studyshowed that supplementation with RPM and RPO to diets of cows improved the rumen environment andincreased milk yield, content of milk protein and milk fat.
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