When you complete the form to be aware of the following:
1. All figures are filled in, positive (in addition to refund);
2. The amount of foreign currency, fill in the amount converted into RMB with ERP system accounting in the amount converted into RMB;
3. "The Company's internal funding transfer" the amount must be consistent, for example, of the Company's internal cash, bank-transfer operations, management summary table to select items do not have to select;
4. Each access must select business categories for the cash flow statements;
5. complete the form from the start to fill in the form, financial flows and summary table (in early and late to foreign currency exchange rate required) is generated automatically and do not need to increase or reduce the;
6. knots, forex business swap in currency and currency swap out into RMB amount must be consistent, if there is a difference in the middle to variations in the rates of exchange amount RMB Increase or decrease, Management summary table to select items do not have to select;
7. end of adjusting the exchange rate, the impact of cash and bank deposits amount to increase if the select exchange rate movements - Income Cash and bank", if the option to reduce
8. some of the receipt and payment of business is the need to differentiate between an internal company, such as the mother and transaction of funds between the subsidiaries belong to the internal receipt and payment in the future reconciliation between the two companies are the collection and payment are equal;
9. tables in the Use the people" and "Sector", you must fill in the "Comments" can not be completed; and
10. the date when the complete rules as follows: for example to enter May 4 to directly enter the "5-4", return to;
11. manufacturing cost category of expenditure of procurement of goods or utilities, as part of the purchase of commodity expenditures" belongs to the outsourcing of services (for example: external processing fee) as " outsourcing services expenditures" belongs to the employee wages, as well as bonuses as well as the personal income tax as the employee wage expenditure" belongs to the social insurance as well as the mandatory provident fund as part of the employee 4. Expenditures
12. bills acceptance of income and expenditure, including the need for external received and on the basis of its own acceptance
13. Management summary table by Henry Fok original funds daily summary format to meet management needs, they need in the accounts, add 1 column, select a Classification
14. Management summary table from B9 cell start to fill in the name of the customer, from B89 cell start to fill in the vendor name, such as in the case of the customer and the supplier name is not complete, please make your own way to insert row followed by a table on the basis of their choice, and fill in the corresponding monthly expenditure plans
15. Management summary table of bank acceptance income class categorization captured from our customers and the Company on the basis of receipt, please pay special attention to this issue
Fill in the actual. If you do not know you need to select the type of access to the operational headquarters in a timely manner to the financial advisory! ! !