TIP: Don't hesitate to cancel the contract of a celebrity if, after a year or two of experience and further analysis, you
determine that you are overpaying for the benefits received. Whether the incremental sales and profits contributed by a
celebrity endorser are sufficient to cover the contract fees paid will, of course, depend on how high you had to bid to win
the celebrity's endorsement, the sizes of the celebrity's consumer appeal index in each geographic region, and your
estimates of the sales and market share contribution which they provide—this can be approximated by going to the
Branded Sales Forecast screen, reducing the celebrity appeal indexes by the amount of the celebrity's contribution in
each region, and observing the resulting effects on sales, market share, and projected profitability. You can also use
this same approach to estimating the value of winning the contracts of celebrities up for bid in the current year—on the
Branded Sales Forecast screen, just add the consumer appeal indexes region by region of particular celebrities you are
considering bids for to the index values already on the screen. The incremental impact of these celebrity appeal indexes
on sales, market share, and projected profitability provides a good indication of the celebrity's worth (however, there
may be times when the “what if” addition of the celebrity has a sufficiently big impact on projected sales volumes that
you have to makes changes in production, shipping, and other variables to get an accurate profit contribution for this