Eco-city 2020
Yakutia, Russian Federation
p>Project Director: Nickolay Lyutomskiy,Project Architects: Julia Bogaevskaya, Eugenia Kopp, Gregory Sandomirsky, and Mikhail Shishin Contributing Architects: Ivan Dragan, Olga Melnik, and Elena Tsyrenova
Eco-City 2020: Revitalizing the industrial zone of Mirniy in Eastern Siberia, Russia. The challenges facing the city of Mirniy and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in general, are mainly due to geographical location. The climate of this permafrost region is continental with long and severe winters (6-7 months), short and hot summers and short-term transition periods. The average daily temperature stays above zero degrees Centigrade about 220 days a year. The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of -35° and an absolute minimum of -62°C. The hottest month is July, with average daily temperatures of 28-30°and an absolute maximum of + 36°C. The amplitude of the absolute temperature is 99°C, and the amplitude of daily temperature reaches 40°C. These conditions can be considered extreme for humans. The region is also experiencing environmental problems due to the excavation of the "Mir" quarry. The problems include the threat of landslides and the flooding with ground water. The excavation has left a giant crater nearly a kilometer in diameter and with a depth of 550 meters in permafrost. In an effort to address these issues proactively we are submitting our proposal to create a new type of urban development using the