Another central concern with hypothetical valuation isassessing individuals’ knowledge of the product they are evalu-ating. The phrase “as good as members of Congress receive” wasmeant to signal the comprehensiveness of the health plan in ques-tion, though a potential concern is that individuals incorrectlyassume that “members of Congress” are provided special, gold-plated health plans, which might drive up our take-up estimates.As a point of fact, however, the description is at least roughlyaccurate—indeed, the Affordable Care Act creates state exchangesmodeled after the Federal Employee Health Benefits Plan, whichcovers members of Congress. In addition, the Gallup interviewerswere provided the following instructions: “If respondent asks whatthe health insurance plan is like for members of Congress, read:Members of Congress can choose from a variety of health insuranceplans. A common choice is Blue Cross/Blue Shield. This insurancerequires co-pays and deductibles similar to those paid by many pri-vate sector workers. For example, a primary doctor visit requiresa $20 co-pay; a day in the hospital requires a $100 deductible;participants can see a doctor in the preferred provider network;some dental coverage is provided, but vision care is not covered.”We return to the question of respondents’ lack of experience orknowledge of the product in Section 4.4