The dissertation abstract information was typed into the old database manually by the system administrators. Retrieving required abstract information from the system also takes long time to get the result. The objective of this project is to develop a dissertation abstracts database management system using OCR. The new system will help the administrators to store the abstract information easily and save time on retrieving the required abstract information.
The system divides users into two categories: users who want to retrieve abstract information and system administrators. The system consists of three main processes: (1) a retrieving process which can retrieve abstract information by an abstract title, (2) an English abstract page storing process using OCR and (3) A abstract editing management system which are developed using Windows Form Application with Visual C# and an Optical Character Recognition(OCR) program on SQL Server 2008 R2 database.
From testing, the system can work properly as designed. However, the photos used for processing are not good quality so the process is not quite complete. Future development should include developing a processing system more precise and more accurate and developing the recognition system for Thai language because this system can work only for English language using Angsana New Font.