The warriors from the Jiang family all shouted like they had been given a drug that raised their spirits. They raised their weapons high into the air, pointing them towards the Mu Rong family warriors. Contrary to this, all the warriors from the Mu Rong family had zombie-like expressions on their faces. How were they going to fight this war now that all their Qi Hai warriors were dead? Mu Rong Zhan was in the middle of a fight with Jiang Zhen Hai, and then there was a demon lord waiting for them on the other side.
The Mu Rong family’s base grounds had become hell. Blood was shed at every place, weapons were hammered into each other, and aggressive screams filled the atmosphere. In just a couple of minutes, this had become a one-sided slaughter. The Mu Rong family warriors had no faith in fighting back, and even two of the Mu Rong family’s young geniuses had been killed.
All of the Mu Rong family properties were being attacked by Zhou Bei Zhen, and they couldn’t hold on for much longer whereas the Mu Rong family base was unable to fight back due to Mu Rong Zhan being held back by Jiang Zhen Hai. The four Qi Hai warriors were killed by Jiang Chen, and the rest of the men had become animals waiting to be slaughtered.
In a way, the spirit was always the most important element. Once you lose the spirit to fight, you will have lost the war.
“I don’t want to fight anymore, I surrender!”
“I also surrender!”
“Don’t kill me!”
The men from the Mu Rong family were screaming.
Death was something that scared everyone, especially those who had never experienced near death situations. A situation like this could make someone collapse.
Surrender was something viral, once a man surrendered, there will be 100 more doing the same. No one was going to give up their lives for a lost cause. Although they do not know if their lives will be spared even after surrendering, they do know that surrendering at least gave them a chance to survive.
The fighters from the Jiang family surrounded the ones who surrendered, waiting for Jiang Chen’s command.
On the other side, Jiang Zhen Hai and Mu Rong Zhan stopped fighting. Jiang Zhen Hai felt like he was dreaming, he had never expected the war to end this quickly.
“Jiang Chen, let them go.”
Mu Rong Zhan said with red eyes.
“Mu Rong Zhan, there must be some of your descendants amongst these men… With just a single command, all of these men will be dead, and I will attack your base and kill all those who can barely breathe before burning your base to ashes… What do you think?”
Jiang Chen said casually as if he was talking about the weather.
Mu Rong Zhan screamed out loud. In his mind, Jiang Chen was a frightful man. He had never seen someone so cruel and ferocious.