Soy sauce is traditionally prepared by months of enzymatic
brewing of a mixture of soybean and roasted wheat. During the
manufacturing process, a mixture of steam cooked soybean or
defatted soybean and roasted wheat flour is allowed to ferment
in the presence of koji mould (Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus
sojae), which produce enzymes that hydrolyze proteins and polysaccharides.
After incubation at 25–30 C for 2–3 days, the koji is
mixed with 1.2–1.5 volumes of 22–23% saline to make a soy sauce
mash with a final NaCl concentration of 16–18%. In the following
step, yeasts and lactic acid bacteria are responsible for the formation
of alcohol, flavour compounds and for the lowering of the pH.
After ageing at room temperature for about a year, the mash is
pressed and the soy sauce is pasteurized (Matsudo et al., 1993;
Soy sauce is traditionally prepared by months of enzymaticbrewing of a mixture of soybean and roasted wheat. During themanufacturing process, a mixture of steam cooked soybean ordefatted soybean and roasted wheat flour is allowed to fermentin the presence of koji mould (Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillussojae), which produce enzymes that hydrolyze proteins and polysaccharides.After incubation at 25–30 C for 2–3 days, the koji ismixed with 1.2–1.5 volumes of 22–23% saline to make a soy saucemash with a final NaCl concentration of 16–18%. In the followingstep, yeasts and lactic acid bacteria are responsible for the formationof alcohol, flavour compounds and for the lowering of the pH.After ageing at room temperature for about a year, the mash ispressed and the soy sauce is pasteurized (Matsudo et al., 1993;
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