The complexity of the traffic environment in Lower Manhattan, as well as the need to simulate the operation of a new wireless TSP system (including communication time-lags) posed several challenges. Besides the custom software needed to model NYCDOT protocols for TSP operation, challenges included high pedestrian volume, and calibrating driver behaviors for lane changing and yielding at conflict zones. Manhattan’s notorious double-parking problem also necessitated repeated and extensive field observations to quantify double-parking activity and its effects on traffic delay. For the purposes of analysis, it was more important to accurately represent the delay caused by pedestrians to vehicular traffic rather than the actual number of pedestrians observed in the field, which included numerous mid-block jaywalkers. Similarly, calibration parameters for driver behavior in the corridor were particularly difficult to quantify. Therefore, GPI employed an iterative process to carefully adjust these parameters until model predictions of travel time, throughput and queues matched field observations of these traffic measurements within their normal weekday variation.