Use the Colors form to alter the appearance of the Skillport interface to match your organizational needs.
Note: You cannot customize the colors of the Skillport Mobile interface.
392 ©2015 Skillsoft Skillport 8 Administrator Guide
Colors and Browsers A browser-safe table of 252 colors is available in Skillport. These colors include 216 browser-safe color values and 36 grayscale colors common among supported browsers when running in 256-color mode.
Color Schemes The Skillport color scheme is divided into groups based on functionality. See the images below for relative placement of the groupings and their affected areas. The groups are:
Group 1: The content text and inactive (not current page) header link text (including the My Profile, Log Out and Support links)
Group 2: Top right header background color, Search dropdown background, Search button background, background color of bars for sets and subsets, inactive (not current page) tab text, Bottom and right borders
Group 3: Main header background and divider line
Group 4: Active (current page) tab text and active (current page) header link text
Group 5: The body background
Group 6: Some page headings and selected navigation elements