The expression immediately caused the parrot to go mad. Its voice shrill, it yelled, “How dare you look down on Lord Fifth! Lord Fifth is omnipotent! Y-y-you….”
“Pshh.” Meng Hao have a cold snort.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” To be scorned with such words caused the last bit of the parrot’s powers of reasoning to be scorched away.
“You just watch, bitch!” raged the parrot. “Watch Lord Fifth! Watch Lord Fifth bore a massive hole into this altar!” With that, the parrot flew up into the air and then turned to charge toward the altar.
The white-colored overseer immediately flew down to intercept the parrot.
“Immortal Fifth, please calm yourself. Calm… There’s no need to get impulsive, right? Listen to me….”
“Screw off and listen to this, bitch!” roared the parrot.
“Immortal Fifth, I….” The white-colored overseer smiled wryly and was about to expound when….
“I said screw off, bitch! If you don’t, I’ll screw you along with him!”
The white-colored overseer was getting extremely nervous. This was the first time it had heard of the parrot having such a weakness. It looked over angrily at Meng Hao, and was about to rebuke him, when Meng Hao saw the look in his eye, rolled his eyes and then snorted coldly.
“He doesn’t believe you can break through the altar either. Forget about the altar. I bet you couldn’t even screw that white-colored overseer!”
“AHHHHHHHH! How dare you look down on me like this!” The parrot’s fury raged to the Heavens. It jerked around to glare at the white-colored overseer, who immediately began to tremble.
Seeing that the parrot was about to attack, the overseer immediately roared without hesitation, “You pass!! Pass!!!”
Instantly, the altar began to rumble, and an incredible force enveloped the parrot, who did nothing to fight back. As the power covered it over, it stared fixedly at the rear end of the white-colored overseer.
“When this place was built, Lord Fifth helped out, and therefore left behind a stream of divine will,” said the parrot. “Truth be told, it would be difficult to break a hole through the altar. However, if I have the chance, you cheeky little beast, Lord Fifth will definitely give screwing you a try!”
With that, the parrot gave a cold snort, then glared over at Meng Hao. It said nothing, but the look in its eyes was clear.
You just wait, brat. If I get a chance, I’ll screw you too!
Meng Hao glared back at the parrot. He didn’t say anything either, but his meaning was equally clear.
You just wait, you damned bird. When I get out of here, I’m going to track you down, and then we’ll see who’s boss!
Meanwhile, in the Milky Way Sea, on the shore near the Northern Reaches, a hulking, dark-faced man currently hovered in mid-air. Surrounding him was a group of smaller cultivators, all of whom looked at the man with fawning eyes. The dark-faced man seemed quite pleased with himself.
In his arms he carried a black bear, which he would occasionally lean down to kiss, his expression one of intoxication. The bear had a luxuriant coat of fur, and it was hard to tell where he had found something like it in the Milky Way Sea….
“Ah, this is the life! Don’t be despondent, little Third. It’s merely a master we’re talking about. We can always get a new one! Look, after somebody else gets the mirror and refines it, then we can go back. Look at how free and unconstrained we are now! This is the good life!”
Suddenly, the dark-faced man sneezed, then shuddered. A strange look appeared in its eyes, and suddenly two voices began to argue inside of him.
“What’s going on? What was that? Lord Third just sneezed!”
“Screw off, it was obviously Lord Fifth who sneezed!”
“You’ll even steal that from me?!”
“Something fishy is going on here, bitch! Something’s off! I feel an evil wind stirring, as if something bad is about to happen!”
“Huh?! Don’t tell me Meng Hao is alive!! Finished! We’re finished! I’m gonna die, we’re finished! When we ran off that time….”
“What do you mean ran off? That was a strategic transition! You don’t understand crap!”
“Dammit! Last time, you said we needed to give him a chance to temper himself. You’re changing your mind again?”
“Are you absolutely sure that’s what I said?”
“You did! You said it! You said….”
Despite the bickering, the dark-faced man turned and flew toward the Northern Reaches.
“Let’s go to the Northern Reaches, it should be safe there….”