Mandate for the future Fulfilling aquaculture's long-term potential to supplement global
fish supplies and to provide food for the world's growing population will require a shared vision between the public and private sectors. Governments can support research and development on environmentally benign systems, eliminate implicit subsidies for ecologically unsound fish production, and establish and enforce regulatory measures to protect coastal ecosystems. At the same time, the private sector must alter its course and recognize that current practices that lead to dependence on pelagic fisheries, habitat destruction, water pollution and non-native introductions run counter to the industry's long-term health. If public and private
interests act jointly to reduce external costs generated by farming systems, present trends may be reversed and the net contribution of aquaculture to global fish supplies can become increasingly positive.
Without this shared vision, an expanded aquaculture industry poses
a threat, not only to ocean ®sheries, but also to itself.
Mandate for the future Fulfilling aquaculture's long-term potential to supplement globalfish supplies and to provide food for the world's growing population will require a shared vision between the public and private sectors. Governments can support research and development on environmentally benign systems, eliminate implicit subsidies for ecologically unsound fish production, and establish and enforce regulatory measures to protect coastal ecosystems. At the same time, the private sector must alter its course and recognize that current practices that lead to dependence on pelagic fisheries, habitat destruction, water pollution and non-native introductions run counter to the industry's long-term health. If public and privateinterests act jointly to reduce external costs generated by farming systems, present trends may be reversed and the net contribution of aquaculture to global fish supplies can become increasingly positive.Without this shared vision, an expanded aquaculture industry posesa threat, not only to ocean ®sheries, but also to itself.
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