the formal situation. So, let's say we'll start over here.
Hello. I'm Bill White." Now, at that point, you probably want to also shake hands.
should try to maintain a straight posture because you look more professional that way,
It shows that you're a friendly person and you're happy to meet the other person, even in a business situation.So let's get started. And what I was saying is about the handshake, you could shake hands right here. So, you could say: "Hello. I'm Bill White." Or, you could say it at this point when you say: "It's a pleasure to meet you."
sometimes both of those people will answer kind of at the same time, say: "No, we haven't." Doesn't matter. And then, Carol says, if it's a formal situation: "Mr. Topper, this is Mr. Shaw. Mr. Shaw, this is Mr. Topper." Now, sometimes this part is not necessary, because it's kind of obvious. So, usually... Usually, if you just say the first part, people will start introducing themselves then to each other or continue with the: "Pleasure to meet you." But if you want to know the traditional way in which it's done, it's done like that.