You will always have fun in La Tomatina Festival, but if you want to have an indelible memory, you have to take the following tips into account:
Wear old clothes or clothes that you are not going to wear later. If so, ready to throw them away. White t-shirt: perfect combination.
Wear shoes with a decent grip so that you can throw them out later, just keep them on your feet. Avoid using flip-flops; you can lose them in the tomato fight.
The goggles can be your best friend. Your eyes can be sore because of the tomato acid. But it is a pleasure to see how this tomato acid can clean your skin. Tomato exfoliation!
If you want to take pictures, use waterproof cameras or just use a protective case.
If you are not from Buñol and you want to stay overnight, do not forget to look for accommodation in advance.
Come early! The access to the urban area by car will be closed at 07.00. If you want to access, keep walking.
Follow the security directions and keep a safe distance of the lorries.
Do not miss the palo-jabón. A soap-covered pole with a Spanish prosciutto on the top. The person who climbs to the top and get the prosciutto…win the prosciutto!
And last but not least, enjoy to the max. It is a pleasure to release adrenaline throwing tomatoes in all directions during an hour.