Types of interventions
Trials comparing early enteral nutritional support (with in 24 hours
of injury) versus late enteral nutritional support (greaterth an 25
hours). In this instance , enteral nutrition (EN ) wasde fined as the
delivery of a liquid nutritional formula, which contains macro-and micronutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, prote in, vitamins,
mineral and trace elements that passes any part of the dige stive
tract, regardl ess of the method of deliver (e.g. nasogastric, naso-jejunal ,
naso-enteric, or o-gastr ic, PEG or jejunal feeding tubes).
Studie s e xamining combine d e nte r al and or al suppl e me ntation
f e e ding re gime s we re al so incl ude d