I was reading a story late one night on this “Male Transformation” blog that I had been checking out. As I sat there engrossed, I heard the roar of a motorcycle outside. This was normally a pretty quiet neighborhood and bikes were rarely heard here, especially not at midnight, so I went to my window to peer out below.
An eerie light surrounded a lone figure astride a very cool looking machine parked at the curb. The rest of the street was in total darkness just like someone had shone a very bright spotlight in this one place. As my eyes became adjusted to the light I could make out the man. As cool as the bike was, the man was equally as hot dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. He dismounted and started walking towards my front door. I nearly jumped out of my skin when my doorbell rang breaking the silence of the night. Now why would someone like that be coming to my door at this unholy hour?
I debated briefly if I should answer the door or pretend to be asleep. It didn’t take me long to make up my mind when a silky smooth baritone inquired as to whether I was still awake.. I opened the door, only to be struck dumb by the man standing there. He looked better up close than he had getting off his bike, if that was possible. Slightly long brown hair accentuated his dark blue eyes and stubble laden manly face, definitely the stuff fantasies are made of. It was as if someone had reached into my subconscious mind and pulled my conception of the ideal man right out of my head, making him take form in human flesh.