About not trusting people online etc.
I agree with you.
But I only wanted to say Hi to you when I saw you was online.,
I don't care about how you look and I don't care about if you are going to post
your picture or not or send it to me.
I'm not interested about you as a girl/female.
I have no intentions to develope any deeper contact with your or a close friendship with you.
You know Interpals has this chat function and it's up to each ne what to do with their contacts here
and what kind of "friendship" they want to develope...or if they want to develope a relatinship etc.
I was also wondering why you had removed your dog pictures....
I'm here for friends and nothing more and to talk about different kind of subject that interest
"us" both.
In fact I have pretty much lost my Interest about Interpals.
I'm just here because I have some friends here...
Interpals sucks and there is so much shit going on here...
But not only bad things are going on here on Interpals.
But I'm done with Interpals and "making friends" here....