As far as he was concerned this was a complete humiliation. Actually, from the moment Fang Mu had been raised to Furnace Lord, he had aroused the dislike of the other Furnace Lords. That was especially true for Ye Feimu. He held nothing but contempt for the manner in which Fang Mu had received his promotion.
Next, Ye Feimu’s body trembled, and began to fill with rage. This was because he had just seen the numbers written after Fang Mu’s name. 10.
“Ten stone steps…. Ten stone steps…? I created a perfect set of ten thousand stone steps! How could a trifling ten stone steps even compare! Just what pill did this Fang Mu concoct?” Ye Feimu wouldn’t go so far as to question the fairness of the trial by fire, but inside, he just couldn’t accept it.
By now, he had already put the pieces together, and realized who the Pill Tribulation had come for.
Violet Qi poured out from the boulder, but Ye Feimu felt a sense of irony. His eyes filled with a cold light.
Meng Hao stood in front of the fourth region boulder, looking at the rankings. His right hand lifted up, causing the image to scatter. Massive amounts of Violet Qi poured out, dense to the extreme. Those watching in the outside world could easily see the boundless extent of the Violet Qi, and how much it exceeded that of Chu Yuyan’s and Ye Feimu’s
Several hours passed, during which time, this point was even further impressed upon all onlookers.
Meng Hao’s black pill furnace absorbed the Violet Qi, and as it did, its color slowly changed. Now, it was no longer pitch black, but tinged with violet. At first glance, it would be hard to tell whether it was black or violet. However, the pill furnace was now struggling about half as much as it had before, and no longer as fiercely.
About an hour later, the Violet Qi disappeared. Text gradually appeared on the boulder, revealing the requirements for the final region.
Become an apprentice!
Seeing these words caused Meng Hao’s vision to suddenly blur and twist. The mountain in front of him was no longer a mountain. The sky above… was no longer the same sky!