This effect
can be observed from the SEM pictures. In general, this result
corresponded to that of Boudhrioua et al. (2002) who also found
that bananas ripened for up to 16 days has a much lower peak
force (Fp) or hardness compared to freshly ripened bananas
(2 days). From Table 3, even though the % total sugar for Days 2,
3 and 4 products were slightly higher than Day 1 products, these
values were not significantly different from each other. Even
though the bananas were all taken from a local banana distributor
at the same time with the same extent of ripeness (green tip), there
may still have been variations in the chemical compositions of bananas
purchased. As a result, the banana samples from Day 3 actually
had higher sugar content than those from Day 4. Nonetheless,
although no direct correlation could be obtained from this result, a
general conclusion could be made that factors such as sugar to