Average comparison of main impact in executive treatments showed, treatment effect of soil moisture percentage have meaned in five hundredth level of error on germination percentage. While germination percentage of secale montanum have had additive trend by increasing of soil moisture degree and at least degree(25.63%) in soil moisture level 9% have reached the highest degrees equal with 73.75 in 21 % soil moisture level. It’s necessary to note that between 2 moisture level 9% and 14% haven’t observed meaningful difference in point of germination percentage but have showed obvious and meaningful difference with 21% moisture level. Also in point of sowing depth has observed meaningful difference in germination percentage. In sort of germination percentage has reached from 20.75% in surface sowing depth to 70.42% in tripticate of seed diameter in sowing depth. with regarding to germination percentage between coating treatments of material seed with mineral base(CC), material with hydrogen base(HC), material with organic base and witness treatment haven’t observed meaningful difference. (Table2)
Seed coating